Friday, March 27, 2009

Goat Breeding Stepladder

Our Boer goat buck, Cassanova, is only 10 months old. Although he's more than willing to live up to his name sake and gives a valiant try, he's still too short to reach the taller does. So I built this platform that he stands on and she backs into the cutout. Works like a charm! Can't leave the doe in his pen though as she doesn't get into position on her own, silly girl, and it only frustrates him to keep trying and not accomplish anything. So I bring her in for conjugal visits, back her into position, and voila! mission accomplished. Ingenious if I do say so myself.


The Three Little Bears said...

absolutely hilarious and genius at the same time!!! love it!

Anonymous said...

lol, very creative, and informational at the same time. Hope it worked!

The Three Little Bears said...

PS: if you get a chance - check out my blog today. I have questions about soil that I think you might be able to give advice. Thank you!

Shelley said...

Pure genius! Funny! and I bet Cassanova is happy!!

Melanie said...

Wow! Oh so funny.
Um, I can honestly say I've never seen anything like it before. ROFLOL!
Definitely ingenuious.

I'm sure you have a brain to solve some major problems if given the chance and the time...