Monday, October 11, 2010

Nice Ride!

It's a beautiful, sunny day here in northern NH. One of those breezy fall days when you can smell the apples that have dropped on the ground, feel the crisp coolness creeping into the air and bask in the warmth of the autumn sun. A great day for a buggy ride. Talon thought so too. Until.....

We were out about a mile and passing a dairy farm. One of the cows had escaped her pasture and was wandering about in the middle of the road. Talon screeched to a halt, ears and eyes on the road monster up ahead that was surely going to sprout wings and fangs, fly over to him and consume him in one gulp, then pick it's teeth with his bones! I got out of the cart and tried to lead him past the cow. I tried to calm him and told him I'd protect him, there was nothing to worry about, it was only a silly old cow. No deal. He wasn't buying it. He was convinced that monster would consume us both! So we turned around. It took a while to get him settled down to the point I could get back in the cart and head for home. We do need to work on the cow issues but that's best saved for a day when he's not hooked up to the buggy.

BTW, if you're wondering why there's no picture of the cow - well, I was kind of busy. Sorry. There are times when living to see another day is more important than taking a picture.
Please leave a comment below. I love hearing from you.


Peggy said...

Hey, cows can be monsters sometimes. LOL

Sharon said...

The big dork! He lived with cows here! Guess he wasn't expecting one on your pleasure ride... ;~)

Tonia said...

Oh NO! I have to agree Cows are monsters!Lol

Carol............. said...

Totally understand the "no cow" picture..a horse in crisis is an issue and poor Talon will one day laugh at this incident...LOL!